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Accessories for Pressure Gauges
and Industrial Thermometers

Accessories to regulate the process and to protect gauges.
Electric, inductive or electronic contacts, comparison pumps, two or three ways valves, ball valves, needle valves, three or five valves manifolds, pressure dampeners, pig tail and siphons, thermowells, connection heads for thermocouples and thermoresistances.

Electric Contacts

Device to be put on pressure or temperature gauges in order to obtain an electrical intervention in correspondence with some pressure or temperature values that can be placed all over the scale of the gauge.

  • Electric contacts: general purpose
  • Inductive contacts: suitable for explosion risk zone
  • Electronic contacts: suitable as PLC inputs

Pressure dampeners

They protect the gauge from sudden pressure variations.

  • Porous Disk : with a porosity that changes in relation to viscosity and pressure of process fluid.
  • Adjustable needle : to adjust the dampening by regulating the micrometric screw.


Used to decrease the process fluid temperature.

  • Welded Connection
  • From Seamless Tube
  • Material : Copper – Carbon Steel – AISI 316 Stainless Steel

See Also